Easiest Way to Start an Online Business: Building Data-Driven Tools

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  • Post last modified:June 7, 2024

Starting an online business can be overwhelming, but today we’ll uncover an easy strategy that requires no coding, no blog writing, and still has low competition. The secret? Building and selling data-driven tools. Let’s dive into the details and practical steps to get you started.

What Are Data-Driven Tools?

Data-driven tools are essentially libraries or databases that compile useful data for users. Examples include:

  • Prompts Library: Collect prompts for language models like GPT.
  • Code Snippet Library: Gather and share useful code snippets.
  • Email Subject Line Library: Curate tested email subject lines.
  • YouTube Creator Hooks: Collect successful YouTube video ideas, title formulas, and thumbnails.
  • Stats Database: Compile statistics about websites to explore trends and competitors.

These libraries offer value by saving users time and providing them with ready-to-use data.

Practical Steps to Build Your Own Data Library

Step 1: Create Your Library Without Coding

You can use platforms like Notion or WordPress to build and sell your data libraries. Here’s how you can do it with both:

Using Notion

  1. Create a Page: Design your content and layout.
  2. Add a Database/Table: Fill it with your collected data.
  3. Publish & Share: Publish the Notion page and share the link.
  4. Sell with Gumroad: Use Gumroad to sell your Notion pages or templates.

Notion is user-friendly and allows you to organize everything seamlessly.

Using WordPress

  1. Set Up Custom Post Types:

    • Install the “Custom Post Type UI” plugin to create custom post types like “Prompts”.
    • Define custom fields using the “Advanced Custom Fields” (ACF) plugin.
  2. Create and Publish Posts:

    • Add your data entries using the custom post types and fields you set up.
  3. Design with Elementor:

    • Use Elementor (Pro) to design custom templates for displaying your data.
  4. Build a Table/List:

    • Create a main library page displaying your data in a table or list format.

Step 2: Collect Data

Think about valuable data in your niche. For example:

  • For Marketing: Email subject lines, social media templates.
  • For Education: Teaching resources, student activity ideas.
  • For Coding: Snippet libraries, resource links.

Start small with free offerings to build an email list, and transition to paid libraries for monetization.

Step 3: Market Your Library

Focus on building your audience and customer base through:

  • Email Lists: Offer a free sample library as a lead magnet to collect email addresses.
  • Social Media: Use platforms like LinkedIn or Twitter to share valuable content related to your library.

Consider sending out regular newsletters showcasing free data entries and promoting your premium offerings.


Building a data-driven tool library is a simple yet effective way to start an online business. Use platforms like Notion or WordPress to get started without coding, collect valuable data in your niche, and focus on email marketing and social media to grow your audience.

By following these steps, you can create a profitable online business with minimal upfront investment. Ready to start? Dive in, and let your data-driven journey begin!