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Title: Creating Free AI Tools with WordPress and Gemini in 3 Minutes

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  • Post last modified:April 9, 2024

Are you intrigued by the idea of creating your own AI-powered tools but don’t have coding skills or a big budget? Look no further! In this quick and easy guide, we’ll show you how to create free AI tools using WordPress and Gemini in just three minutes. Yes, you read that right – three minutes!

What You’ll Need:

  1. WordPress Website: If you don’t have one already, sign up for a free account.
  2. Gemini Account: Gemini is a powerful AI platform that offers a range of tools and services for developers. Sign up for a free account at

Step 1: Install the Gemini Plugin

First, log in to your WordPress dashboard. Go to “Plugins” and click on “Add New.” Search for the Gemini plugin and click “Install Now.” Once installed, click “Activate” to activate the plugin on your website.

Step 2: Connect Your Gemini Account

After activating the Gemini plugin, go to “Settings” and click on “Gemini.” Enter your Gemini API key, which you can find in your Gemini account dashboard. Click “Save Changes” to connect your WordPress website to your Gemini account.

Step 3: Create Your AI Tool

Now comes the fun part – creating your AI tool! With Gemini, you have access to a wide range of pre-trained models and templates that you can use to build AI-powered tools for various purposes, such as text generation, image recognition, and more.

Choose a template or model that suits your needs and click “Create Tool.” Customize the tool settings as desired, such as input parameters and output formats. Once you’re satisfied with the settings, click “Save” to generate your AI tool.

Step 4: Embed Your AI Tool on Your Website

Once your AI tool is created, you’ll receive a shortcode that you can use to embed the tool on any page or post on your WordPress website. Simply copy the shortcode and paste it into the desired location in your content editor.

Step 5: Test Your AI Tool

That’s it – you’re done! Your AI tool is now live on your WordPress website. Visit the page or post where you embedded the tool to test it out and see it in action. You can use it yourself or invite others to try it out and provide feedback.


Creating free AI tools with WordPress and Gemini is quick, easy, and accessible to anyone, regardless of coding experience or budget. With just a few simple steps, you can harness the power of AI to enhance your website and provide valuable tools and services to your audience. So what are you waiting for? Get started today and unleash your creativity with AI!